Muzology is an SEL-aligned, evidence-based math intervention with a track record of success across diverse populations of learners. Muzology aligns with all ESSER allowable uses that pertain to learning interventions.
Allowable Usage
Muzology Alignment
Curriculum already authorized in the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA)
Structured as a supplemental math platform, Muzology integrates alongside adopted math curricula and aligns to standards.
Muzology’s instructional math music videos are mapped to Pre-Algebra standards across multiple grade levels; each video typically corresponds to two to four weeks of math curriculum.
Curriculum and/or services sanctioned by Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
Muzology is used successfully with special needs students and learners with IEPs.
Teachers note that Muzology “engages special needs students, keeps their brains active and captures their attention with light, color, cool music, repetition – and all the while, teaching and learning is taking place.”
An educator who conducted her master’s research on Muzology found that it significantly mitigated learning gaps between students with and without IEPs.
Address the unique needs of low-income children or students, children with disabilities, English learners, racial and ethnic minorities, students experiencing homelessness, and foster care youth
Muzology meets the needs of students who are frequently marginalized.
Many of these students struggle with learning math and “check out,” yet know the words to countless pop songs. Muzology uses the inclusive, familiar, and engaging environments of music and gamification for students to build readiness for Algebra.
At a Title I Arkansas school (70% African American, 20% Hispanic; 97% free or reduced lunch), only 4% of students were at grade-level in math. After using Muzology for less than a year, these students demonstrated an impressive 2-3 year increase in learning growth on NWEA MAP® Growth™ assessments.
Implement evidence-based summer enrichment activities designed to respond to students’ academic, social, and emotional needs and to address the disproportionate impact of Covid-19 on subgroups of students described in ESEA.
Muzology’s scientifically-crafted platform is designed to produce rapid results. Muzology’s rigorous instructional music videos allow students to learn in weeks what may typically take months. This makes Muzology an ideal intervention for summer enrichment programs in which learning speed and efficiency are required.
Muzology is evidence-based, SEL-aligned, and has a proven track record of repeatedly yielding results during summer school programs.
In one study, during a five-week districtwide summer bridge program, students (taking a summative Pre- and Post-Test diagnostic) improved twice as much on questions with corresponding Muzology music videos compared to questions for which there were no Muzology music videos.
Address the need for accelerated learning recovery in math through evidence-based interventions that respond to students’ academic, social, and emotional needs.
Muzology offers students a relevant, inclusive, engaging, music-based way to connect with the material.
Muzology is evidence-based and consistently produces results, especially among learners who exhibit marked proficiency gaps and require significant learning recovery.
Muzology is SEL-aligned and meets the Standards for Social and Emotional Learning as identified by CASEL by supporting self-awareness, self-management, responsible decision making, relationship skills, and social awarenss.
Teachers consistently report impressive engagement levels with Muzology: “I’ve seen a higher level of engagement with more kids than with anything else I’ve tried,” explained a Math Dean about her use of Muzology with underperforming students.
Download Muzology’s White Paper to learn how to access ESSER funds to acclerate your students’ math recovery!
Shirley F, Math Dept. Chair
(Little Rock, AR)
Susie L, Parent and psychologist
(Miami, FL)
6th grader (Tampa, FL)
7th grade student
4th grade student
Shirley F, Math Dept. Chair
(Little Rock, AR)
Susie L, Parent and psychologist
(Miami, FL)
6th grader (Tampa, FL)
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